Python Course Outline

Session 1: Introduction to Programming
  • Fundamentals of Programming
  • Introduction to Python and Installation
Session 2: Python Fundamentals
  • Output function
  • Input functions
  • Variables
Session 3: Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
Session 4: Conditions
  • IF singular
  • ELIF
  • Nested IF
Session 5: Loops
  • FOR loop



  • WHILE loop



  • Nested Loops
Session 6: Data Sets
  • Lists
  • Tuples
  • Sets
  • Dictionary
Session 7: Functions
  • User-Defined Functions
  • Function Calling
  • Argument Passing
  • Default Arguments
  • Project
Session 8: Object Oriented Programming
  • Introduction to OOPs
  • Objects and Classes
Session 9: Modular Programming
  • User Defined Modules
  • Built-in Modules



  • PIP3
Session 10: Error Handling
  • Try/Except
  • Else/Finally/Raise
Session 11: Graphics in Python
  • Tkinter

Windows Creation


Connecting to Backend

Session 12: Projects
  • Quiz
  • Final Project App
Instructor Muaaz Ahmed

Muaaz Ahmed

Do you want to build a successful career in Software Development and become a top-tier Python Developer? Join our best online programming course in Pakistan to learn basic to advanced concepts from the ground up.

It is a regular training with onsite/Physical classes led by an expert trainer with 3+ years of experience. You will learn and practice Programming Fundamentals, Python Basics, Graphics, Error Handling, Object Oriented Programming and much more.


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